chuck and things you may not want to know

May 27, 2007 03:32

yesterdat aka i went to see chuck palahniuk
i went with dean, nick and justin
it was a rather good thing
i quite enjoyed how he gave out the inflatible moose heads and fancy looking easter baskets

but overall it was pretty good

the fact that he's making three more books into movies in such a short amount of time seems sort of weird but good for him i suppose
i also found the him getting annoyed at the kid shouting out and acting like he was going to walk off kind of fake
like it was more of an act then him genuinely being annoyed

dean's reaction to guts was also an amusing experience
i figured he would have heard/read it before and he had not
and as he read i could see him become more and more uncomfortable and it was sort of amusing
he wasn't horribly disgusted or anything just the strange reaction type thing

but overall pretty good times

then i kicked some ass at a fighting game on the 360 against justin
i'm not very good at any type of video games other then fighting games
i usually seem to be pretty good at fighting games which makes me happy
at least there is one genre i am good at

tomorrow i am potentionally seeing 300 at imax
i never had much intrest in seeing it
well not something i would pick to go see on my own but potentionally would go see with other people
and the idea it's at imax makes it more likeable because pretty much anything at imax makes it better
it was a shame that last year max and i never made it to harry potter at imax
hopefully they'll have it again this year for the new movie, although the trailors i've seen for order of the phoenix seems like it might be disapointing

but ohh the pain lately
i love my rain
but not the barametric pressure
and the cold today was just blah which made it worse

so yes things have been stressful lately
there have been some things going on that i'm not sure i should/want to talk about right now
but after we went to the states last weekend
the next day after the strain that it put on my body [ i was all ready really sore the day we went to grand forks and was worried i wouldn't make it through the day]
but my body got so stressed and angry
and i got my period [yes yes sorry to some of you who read this that didn't want to know but i warned you]

and this annoyed me because i control it normally by continously taking my birth control with no stoppuing for a week or taking the sugar pills minus maybe four or four time a year
why do i do this? if anyone cares
well because any sickness/thing like a period makes fibro worse
so i have been having an utterly not so great time
and absolutely in love with the fact that we smuggled back aleeve from the states
it seems to help better then just plain naproxen

so i've been in a ton of pain
and really haven't wanted to do much
i got out and did stuff last night
and i think i did some stuff earlier in the wake
but pretty much i've spent all my time in bed with my heating pad and heater on sometimes
which is getting somewhat annoying but it helps so much

i've also been eating too much candy
which is mostly due to the girly problem since it usually makes me want things more like that because i like them
but i've been taking it pretty easy on the ice cream even though i bought two boxes
although friday was funny i had ice cream as all i ate that day
i had some during the day and then after going to the mtc we went to licks and i got my lovely cotton candy ice cream
soo good

but i do not understand how other women go through this twelve times a year
i have always had horrible cramps
and am more then happy that i have done the control method for a couple of years now
so woo

and aren't any of you who read this super happy you did :)
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