Dec 03, 2008 23:14
I got this in an email at I'm turning it into a LJ Meme...everyone who reads is tagged dagnabit ...
Rules: Use the 1st letter of her name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, names, things, etc so nothing made up. Try to use different answers if the person who tagged you has the same initial. You can't use your own name for the Boy/Girl name questions.
1. What is your name: Alicia (Ali...)
2. A 4 Letter Word: ...Ails? Like "what ails you?"?
3. A Boys Name: Anthony
4. A Girls Name: Alice
5. An Occupation: Architect
6. A Color: Amber
7. Something you wear: ...*thinks*...*thinks*...*feels smoke coming out of her ears* ascot? That's a tie isn't it?
8. A Beverage: Absinthe
9. A Food: APPLE
10. Something found in the bathroom:
11. A place: Austin
12. A Reason for being late: Accident
13. Something you shout: Awesome! (ok, I don't really shout this starts with A, lol)
TAG! You guys are it...