Oh Eight

Dec 27, 2008 15:05

A year in review.

I think I do this every year.

Go to your blog archives, and copy & paste the first paragraph from the first journal entry of each month for the entire year, and there you will have the year in review.


You know the year is going to rock when the first thing you see on TV after watching re-runs of "The Office" is a Matisyahu concert.  Which brings to mind this little jem from "Knocked Up":
Debbie:  Is that Ben's rabbi?  The one that cuts off the penises?
Pete:  No, I think it's Matisyahu.

Here's to nights spent watching sexy LOST fan-vids on YouTube (and I don't even watch the show!), and having so much excess energy that instead of doing homework as you SHOULD, you just end up working out for 20 minutes on the elliptical and then dancing around dad's office like a nut.


I need to chill the HELL out.
We're heading into the end of the month when fifty-billion things are due and naturally, I start panicking.

Keep in mind I only got 3 hours of sleep last night because I had to write another 10 page paper and get up for an 8 am class.

Love my life.

From Monday to Thursday I went to a magical place.

The sun never stopped shining.  There were palm trees and flowers all a-bloom and exotic plants and the grass was lush and green.  I saw enchanted castles lit up at night, traveled to far-away countries, met princesses and cartoon animals, went on a safari, flew through the California countryside, found Nemo, was entertained by a belly dancer, was shrunk to the size of a bug, hugged Alice from Alice in Wonderland, was bitten by a million skeeters, got kissed by a giant chipmunk (Chip or Dale, I can scarcely remember), hung out with Captain Jack Sparrow and his pirates, and went from 0 to 60 in 2.8 seconds.

Ahhhhh.  There's nothing quite like watching Sex and the City: The Movie to remind you that you are not fabulous, flirty, and living luxuriously in Manhattan.  These four women are all supposedly successful in their careers (although you only ever see Carrie tapping away at her Apple laptop once and awhile or Samantha swearing at someone into her cell phone), and exceptionally rich.  My goodness, if you have even the slightest interest in fashion, watch the movie for the clothes alone.  As if the four ladies in their Manolo Bahlink shoes and designer duds weren't enough, there is a scene in which they attend a New York City fashion show.


I love you, Philip Seymour Hoffman.
I love your three names, said in sequential order:  Philip. Seymour. Hoffman.
I love how your middle name (or second name?) is the name of Steve Buscemi's character in Ghost World.  I also love Steve Buscemi, but that is another post for another time.

I've always been a passionate animal-lover, loving animal movies like Andre, Homeward Bound, and Fly Away Home and living with tons of pets (dogs: Snoopy, Oliver, and Sammy, birds, fish, hamsters, a guinea pig named Cocoa, a gecko, a hedgehog named Niles, etc.)    
When Old Yeller died, I don't think I ever fully recovered.
When I watch movies like Braveheart in which there are bloody battle scenes and many humans die, I feel far more upset when the horse gets injured and crumbles terribly to its death.
While seeing people cruelly tortured or killed in movies makes me feel ill, I am far more sensitive to the deaths of animals.  It sounds horrible but I've become desensitized to the kids in World Vision and Compassion commericals, but if it's a commercial for PETA or something like that, I feel rattled to my core and disturbed for a long period of time.

This has probably been said before, but I need an intervention for being addicted to the show "Intervention."

Just kidding.

My lack of bloginess can be directly linked to the fact that I am SWAMPED this year.  5 courses (Writing Revolutions, Life Writing, Rhetorical Analysis, Gothic Writing and Modern Canadian Poetry . . . whew!) plus a job where I get paid to write = FRAZZLED.

I've recently started telling people that I'm an introvert, and I feel like I'm coming out.  Not to reduce the awkwardness and possible pain that probably comes with actually coming out, but it just goes to show you how much of an extroverted world we live in.

There seems to be so much SMUT in popular culture lately (lately!  I know, I'm a little behind), that I feel is a little excessive.

So there you have it.  2008.  A year of Knocked Up, Sex and the City: The Movie, procrastination, anxiety, Disney World, PSH, loving animals, "Intervention," being an introvert, and smut.

It was also the year of beginning my relationship with Eric (we actually told each other we liked each other on January 1, 2008), getting a sweet administrative job at my church in the summer that allowed me to use my talents, and starting my job at The Brock Press.  I also lost two grandparents, got to interview Rick Mercer, sang karaoke, and turned the lucky number 23.

And I ate so much chocolate today that I feel like a bloated blimp.  Story of my life.

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