It was late, but not so late that everyone was in bed. Alice was sitting in the common room staring without any real purpose at the flames. It had been nearly a week since her mother's death, and although Alice still had moments when she could hardly control the tears, she was starting to think that maybe life could go back to normal. She attributed much of this change in attitude to Frank, considering he had been the main reason she had smiled at all, next to Keda that is. She wondered what he was doing. Surely he wasn't in bed already. Not that she would put it past him, little Mr. Over-Achiever probably needed his beauty rest. She gave a light smirk at the though of Frank wearing an eyemask as he slept. Well you never know unless you check, and honestly what could a note hurt? She pushed through her nervousness and reached for her quill and her journal.
*poke poke* Are you awake?