Apr 25, 2005 16:14
man im sittin at my house alone again and it sucks. i was supposed to get my licence today but the fucker that was sponsering me fucked up again, wut a fucking cunt. i dont feel like going out because everyones a bunch of low lives that never leav theyre fucking houses because they r afraid of becoming crackheads or alchoholics, or they r always hanging out and they r just a bunch of crack heads and alchoholics. i dont een have a problem with the alchoholics its just the crack heads. fuck it if i could go out one night and not wanna get all fucked up id be a fuckin pussy in my own books anyways. some people say thats a fucking problem, i disagree i say a constant state of soberness is more of a disease than alchoholism will ever b cause that means ur not only most the time an uptite prick but ur alsoafraid of the lack of selfe control ud have if u did try anything. there is nothing ever going on in this fucking city or boston it was fun last summer but then the winter cme and everyone turns in wich is expected but now that it is nice out again everyoneremains to stay sucluded. bostonis a mere shaddow of wut it used to b and it is over run with cunts who dont no how to have a good time or dont no how to let other people have a good time.
owe and then at my drivers test, or so it ws fucking called i had to deal with a yuppie fucking cunt telling me that smoking is gross, that uptite bitch can go kill himself, fuckin fairy was bitching about missing school. i weep for the future.
ps to anyone who gives a flying fuck about having a good time anymore there is a party at reed and laurens this fucking friday and anyone who feels like stopping by can even if i do have a grudge against u just dont start shit and shit wont come to u. we need at least 20 people to show up so that the quincy police cant kick our asses out without a fucking fight.