Мне пришло письмо от журналиста из Гардиан-Обсервер, мол, мы хотим у вас взять интервью и сфотографировать, пишем статью о блоггерах, снимающих на улицах. Я, конечно же, удивилась, думала отказаться, но потом согласилась. Оказалось, что их интересует уличная мода, но деваться было уже некуда, поэтому ответила на вопросы и пошла фотографироваться в лютый мороз =) Все просто. Проблема в том, что интервью порезали и превратили в бессвязный лепет, хотя со мной согласовали совсем другой текст. Видимо мои ответы не вписались в концепт "мода - это моя жизнь" =) Это был очень интересный опыт для меня - посмотреть как работают фотографы-журналисты. Меня снимала Karen Robinson, ее имя легко можно нагуглить. Не буду врать, что я в восторге, но было очень любопытно =)
А вот полный текст интервью:
When did you start blogging and why?
I’ve had a blog for quite a long time, but only started to take it seriously a couple of years ago when I decided to publish a series of photos of Londoners wearing hats in their ordinary lives. The idea was inspired by a friend of mine who was mad about hats and had a collection of several hundreds of them. So from a certain point, people with hats started to stand out from the crowd for me.
Can you describe what kind of subjects you are looking for?
Strangers wearing hats, people with kindness in their eyes, older people, people with dogs, etc.
Do you make a living from this?
Not yet but I hope that one day photography will at least pay for my shoes and bags.
Do you feel like you are documenting trends or helping create them?
I am certainly capturing the trends, be it the unusual characters of London or the very usual ones, people who think they are trendy or people whose trend is to follow no trends. It is always about people though - mass and fashion trends per se are of no interest to me. As for the trend creation - chances are at least one of my readers got motivated to wear a hat for no occasion.
Do you have any ‘regulars’?
It happens that I meet some people again and again, but I rarely want to retake their pictures.
How do you approach people? What % say ‘yes’?
About 70 -80 percent say yes. Men more often than women. I don’t like wasting their time, so I just ask directly «Do you mind if I take a picture of you?”.
Who is the most famous person you photographed for your blog?
I am not great at recognizing celebrities. If I see an interesting character I just have to take a picture and I don’t really care who that is. Some of my readers recognized a famous film director on one of my photos; I photographed several actresses and fashion models, designers and even a couple of footballers. However, most of these photos are made at charity or social events and do not make it to my blog.
Whose style do you admire the most and why?
Charlie from “Two and a half men”, mainly for his shirts.
What’s the worst thing that’s happened while hunting? (fallen over, called Alexandra, Anna etc)?
Weather and Tube aside, hunting is always a pleasure.
Which designers shows have the best dressed people?
I do not go to designers shows.
Particularly around the show, is there competition between bloggers to snap certain people, do you ask them to be exclusive?
No, competitiveness and exclusiveness in photography make no sense to me.
Which bit of London has the most stylish people?
At the moment I am exploring Primrose Hill and finding quite a few interesting and stylish people; plus the place has its own unique style and atmosphere. I am thinking of a project dedicated to the area and its inhabitants.
Most irritating current trend?
Steve Jobs cult, leopard colours, uggs.
А за эти фотографии спасибо