Drabble: In Vino...

Aug 03, 2009 18:07

Title: In Vino....
Author: Alhendra
Prompt: Drunk
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
A/N: My first drabble ever, harder than I thought it'd be, so...be gentle xD

Ron didn’t drink. Aurors generally didn’t - why give your enemies the opportunity to find you with your guard down?
But he pretended to, regular as clockwork, every other day.

Because when he did, Draco Malfoy would approach him. He’d let Ron kiss him, touch him, make love to him, because he wouldn’t remember it later. Draco would submit, and his eyes wouldn’t be hard orbs of unreadable silver, but would mellow into emotional stormy grey seas. He would run his hands through Ron’s red hair, whispering soft words - not of love, but sweet nonetheless.

So Ron pretended to be drunk.

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