Dec 27, 2004 10:15
yay! right now im in ARIZONA! its beautifuL! hehh i miss you guys soo much :'[. anyways
right now im at Karas apartment place its really cute i <3 her room! heh yah so yesterday
i got a maniqure which was very fun! heh and my sister me and my dad drove around and got stuff
and yeah. and hung out a lot at the hotel! then around 4ish kara picked me up in her new car a fukin CROSSFIRE.
its amazzzing! hEh iM iN LOVEE. LoL then we went to Sushi . it was interesting hahh and i met her friends and stuff
then we went to PUNGUINS! mm its like yoz but better! then we came back to her apartment its beautiful! LOL. then we watched
movies and stuff and then feel asleap.x0ox.
today were gonna get my mom from the airport and gett TAN bitch!
i miss you guys so much cant wait to see you all !
le a ve a co mm ent xOO.