My god, you're stupid

Mar 10, 2010 15:15

These two useless poons are now joined by another hopeless idiot, dreamcatcherzerozerozero.  You always know someone is retarded when they have the user id dreamcatcher. 
These poor weak minded fools are very sad.  Their responses are so juvenile, so childish and moronic, it's quite pathetic.  "Yo mama to the vet" and such, and one of them seems to have some sort of fixation on "50000000000000000000000000000000000000".

What an tragedy that this is what people have devolved into.  Small-minded pinheads without hope for any future other than sub-mediocrity. Schlubs and clueless wage-slaves, there is just nothing they can ever hope to accomplish in life, other that the scrawling of their ignorance on the internet.  If it would do any good, I'd kill them, but they are only the tip of the iceberg that is world-wide stupidity. Just typically mindless cunts with too much time on their hands and no brains in their heads, only dust, cobwebs and echoes.

It's a terrible state of affairs that it wasn't noted during their infancy that they would never be intelligent and immune to any attempts at education, worthless to society, and could thus have been humanely killed at birth.  Eugenicists would have promptly culled them on the spot.

Fat and dumb.  At least emmagoof2010 has the very very slight self-awareness to realize how stupid she is to actually include "goof" in her username.  Somewhere, deep inside her tiny feeble brain, she vaguely comprehends that she is an idiot.

It would be in your best interests to stop bothering to post comments here.  Nothing in your weak little minds could ever bother me in the least, as I know that you are nothing but screeching red-assed baboons, practically typing at random while trying to convey what passes for your "thoughts".
You are not worthy of having opinions.  You have nothing offer to those of superior intellect, except perhaps as slaves to your betters.

Sad sad little self-deluded cretins.  Humanity is diminished by your existence.  It would be in your best interests not to shame yourself further by continuing to display your imbecility to the world.  I know you're frustrated by your own ineptitude, but your silence would benefit us all.  
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