Many disconnected thoughts. (Sorry)

Jun 02, 2007 21:44

My god, now I know what inspired the name "Hot Hot Heat". Jesus it's hot here.

Been missing school lately. Not because I don't like summer, because i am loving that my homegirl Jess is here! But I mean, in terms of the having-to-work aspect. I miss the part where you go to class, sit there for two-three hours, then come home and spend the day doing whatever the fuck you want.

Although, I say this now, and I expect to be held to it: I intend to work very hard come fall. Last year was some sort of lapse in judgement, i am not some super-slacker! I am one of those hard-working going-to-class people! I want to do well, and be good, and not feel bad and unable to look my professors in the eye! I am excited to work hard, do my exams in the exam period, cheer hooray for the end of april, take a moment to freak out about having just finished third year (graduation next. what?) and then bugger off to scotland for two weeks, if all goes well.

Getting some sirius work done on the Mockingnerds. Website is currently being filled with all sorts of things, and I'll post a link, here and on facebook, when it's public ready, and as will Jess. All is going very well now that we have tuesdays to work on the music. ("The music" hee.)
Hammered out an N*Sync parody the other night in about a half hour, truly we are in our prime.  Hoo-ray!

Let's see, what's in the news...

Today at work "Time won't let me go" by the Bravery came on the radio, and I enjoyed the first verse:

Whenever I look back
On the best days of my life
I think I saw them all on T.V.

hee hee.

Latest Formerly Loved Song I'd Forgotten About: "The Defense" by Bad Religion.

Learned to make hollandaise from scratch the other day. Someday there will be a Benny Social.

Very excited to knit my first sweater, and its going to be all waffley!

SO DAMN EXCITED (and sad) FOR DEATHLY HALLOWS. hoo-ah. reading all six through again for posterity.

slicing your finger with a knife being used to cut lemons stings like a something-or-other.

weekend starts tomorrow at 3! a-boo-yeah!

starting to get concerned about not getting an email re: cluster yet. will give it one more week before i really get concerned.

best tv related thing i've seen today: (heroes) "of course peter loves claire, she's part nathan."

other things to shout about: harry and the potters! new york! my parents visiting! a mockingnerds cd! crazy choreographed dance moves! and more more more exclamation marks!!!

ok, thank you, audience of one or two, for listening to my ceaseless prattle, i bid you adieu.

...I think i need to watch Buffy over again. Or at the very least Angel. Or both.

summer, music, knitting, random, work, school

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