Off again..

Oct 04, 2005 14:11

Next week, it's exams weeks (2-3 weeks) year exam for Form 4. So, im preparing. *damn..* How i hate studying..The feeling of sitting on a chair, with books on the table, infront of you and have to read and memorize all that??? NOT NICE AT ALL... maybe i exaggerated, but i really dont like it, but it's something that you have to do it for the sake of yourself.. *so who says that everything that you have to do to yourself is nice,huh!studying is not!*
10 subjects..scheisse.. just look at this rediculous PAPERS!!! URGHHHH!!!!

- English (2 papers- subjective & objective & essays) all those literature shits...i do like them..but it's pretty hard..the questions. Aber im an A student for English..still scared though..
- Bahasa Malaysia [my mother tongue language] (2 papers-same as English) even harder..
- Modern Maths (2 papers- the ABCD type & the one you have to show your works on how you get the answers)
- Additional Mathematics (2 papers - shit shit shit... It's so fucking hard yet i have to take it..i always hate add maths...)
- History (1 paper but with essays...too bad no WW2 topics..)
- E.S.T (english for sceience and technology) ..*you stupid asses who laughed at me when i have to sit in your class for a while just to answer the test because my class dont offer that subject...keep on laughing..coz i got the highest mark for the whole school of Form 4 students!And guess what.. i dont even study,dont even know that i'll be taking the test that who's laughing now..*evil smirk*
-Chemistry ( 3 PAPERS - they are nuts..mols..ion...ball like stuffs...i hate chemistry...)
- Physics (3 Papers - intersting bt have to deal with numbers...shit.)
- I.E (Islamic Education) consists lots of readings and memorizing..only the Koran part is hard..others OK
- Engineering Drawings ... holly crap...

So, for sure i'll be busting my ass off for As and Bs...Wish me luck *it didnt really work you know..but nervermind..*
Do keep in mind that i'll stop commenting on posts for a while (specially to Nyssa_Cain and Axismedic), i'll get back to you after the exams finish. Ja? okee!
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