quest five | two star-crossed cultures

Jul 05, 2010 10:00

CHARACTERS | The GMs and you!
DATE | July 4th~July 8th
RATING | PG for Kain's mouth as usual.
SUMMARY | There's a new event getting whispered from NPC to NPC, so you'd better head on over to Δ Sacred Love's Cassiopeia and see what you can see!

LOG | It'd taken a while to get the code right, but Kain stood back and appreciated his handy work. After a few people entered the asian temple dungeon, the sun would set and lanterns would light the path through the temple entrance and into the open garden, where various stalls were set up in the style of japanese festivals with a number of games and foods, all run by NPCs ready to take the players' GP. Games? Food? Sounds exciting, right? Well here's how it was going to go down. When the players exit the entrance temple, they had to walk on a bridge over a small carp pond with stairs going to the left and right-- games on the left side and food on the right.

Games included goldfish scooping, cork shooting with rifles to knock over prizes, mask stands (monsters from The World, of course), ring toss for tickets exchangeable for food, and a lottery stand announced after fireworks for the grand prize-- a steambike! Prizes are mostly level 20 equipment, weapons, armors, and accessories, but there were also smaller items like spell scrolls and healing items. The food, however, was a good deal more exciting. Players would find that it had more flavor because it's freshly cooked, and not coded like food from the shops. There was grilled sweet corn, satsuma potato spears, barbecued kabobs, cotton candy, fried chicken, various dango, okonomiyaki, takoyaki, hamburgers, hot dogs, chocolate dipped bananas, fruit candy, and snow cones-- a fair blend of both western and eastern foods.

Before that, however, were two stalls set up at the warp point with long rectangular pieces of paper in four stacks and a brush/ink pot at each. As players walked down the bridge leading to the temple, bamboo trees hung over on both sides decorated with streamers and paper chains, as well as a few hanging wishes to start it off. It might not be difficult to guess who wrote them-- especially since one read "I'd like to grow taller this year" and another was "Get complimented by nii-san for things other than beating up noobs". There's a wooden sign next to the stand that reads "GOING HOME ISN'T A WISH, SO DON'T BOTHER." Fairly straight-forward, right?

The GM himself was strolling up and down the stands, checking for any mistakes. Most of the setup was by hand instead of fingers-- if you catch the drift-- and the silver-haired teen was fairly proud. He wore a turquoise blue yukata folded up to his knees with the bottom hem caught tightly under the orange obi, and the sleeves were tied up to his shoulders and out of the way. Geta clacked and crunched along the pebble ground and stepping stones beneath his feet to finish the outfit off. Not interested too much in the food or games, really, so much as the fireworks to come afterward. They'd be a real show.

( ooc | as usual, don't forget to tag the log with your character when you reply! and anyone interested in trying their hand at the lottery, just reply with a number between 1~100 in your subject title-- you don't have to physically log getting a lottery ticket. anyone tagging in will be garbed in summer yukata outfits upon arrival that your characters keep! )

(mega man) fairy leviathan, (okami) amaterasu, (elite beat agents) agent spin, (mega man) megaman x, (gm) kain, (sonic the hedgehog) shadow the hedgehog, !quest, (code geass) suzaku kururugi, (.hack//g.u.) silabus, #open, (mega man) sage harpuia, (07-ghost) hakuren oak, (kanon) mai kawasumi, (tegami bachi) gauche suede

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