CHARACTERS | Anyone who
signed up!
DATE | May 15th~21st
SUMMARY | The World fosters the idea of families-- and that's why today, you'll wake up with a Grunty in your care! It will whine and cry and make all sorts of noise until you find the other parent you've been assigned to for the day, and together you must care for your new bouncing baby grunty. Feed it, give it milk, burp it, play with it-- all until you go to bed for the night! And the next morning, in place of the grunty will be your prizes in a large egg. It can't end up too terribly, right...?
[ It was a common-- albeit obnoxious-- sound in the root towns today upon waking, for a number of wailing and fussing piglets have woken up with only one parent nearby, and goodness, some of them weren't even equipped to take care of them! And try as you might, there just is no getting rid of them. If you conveniently drop it off the nearest bridge, it shows up right around the corner and toddles back to you! If you leave it in the bathroom, surprise! It's outside in the next room, crying even louder!
The baby grunties, while pig-like, are most decidedly yours. They have many similar traits from you and the other parent, so tracking them down to share the anguish joy shouldn't be too difficult a task. Why, he even has your twin blades. ♥ ]