event eighteen | search for the king

Mar 07, 2011 00:20

DATE | Mar 7th - 9th
SUMMARY | Mardi Gras in The World! Come for fun and games, stay for the atmosphere!

LOG | When the players wake up today, they'll find that the buildings of the Root Town they're staying in is decked out in purles, greens and golds. Another event has rolled by and it looks like it's going to be another party! It's an easy level to earn, just show up and mingle!

Or, you know, listen to what the NPCs are whispering about and start chasing after the 'King'.

Any player caught in any Root Town other than Dol Dona will be forcibly gently escorted to the proper location for the event. No message regarding the King will be sent by the GMs but the NPCs are nosy types and like to spread rumors. Who knows? If you're lucky, you might (literally) run into the King by accident and earn the crown that way! The special prize is awarded to whoever is holding onto the crown by the end of the event but there is one downside to being King... You can't leave Dol Dona while the crown is on your head. After all, it wouldn't be fair to the other players if the King fled to a field and camped out there until the event was over. Sorry!

If you don't feel like playing, then there's always food and drink and other side show attractions to watch. Jugglers, people on stilts and a whole lot of beads. Oh, and the two GMS hanging around the quest kiosk enjoying the colored drinks. Bothering them is a-okay too (though they're probably just there to watch the madness).

[ooc: Okay, just something to help everyone keep track -- if you have the crown, put KING# in your comment subject so people know who to look out for oocly. You can hide anywhere in Dol Dona but you can't leave through the Chaos Gate with the crown stuck on your head. To get the crown, you can either hit the person (no HP will be deducted) or take the crown; it cannot be removed by the person wearing it. Other than that, go nuts!]

#open, (07-ghost) hakuren oak, (homestuck) eridan ampora, (gm) keane, !event

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