Jan 30, 2007 12:13
Every muscle in my upper body hurts. Still. On monday I was unable to reach up from my bed to turn off my alarm - I had to (painfully) roll over and sit up, then very carefully twist so that I could reach the window sill.
Also, unexplainably, the muscle that goes along the outside of my left leg, and I think ties into my knee somewhere, has started to hurt.
AND I haven't been able to run. AND I am getting Cranky due to this.
Last night I whined so much on the bus to my ego that the woman in front of us turned around and tried to help me by offering directional advice.
I am starting to do new and exciting things which seem to be old hat to everyone else. Well, screw them, I'm not going to not do these things just because they're trendy, that'd really be reverse hipsterism. Or something.