May 15, 2006 01:48
But since I've decided that one of the aims of any respectable* LJ user is to drive people to the point of defriending, I think that the excess is a good thing.
I restated my intent to rejoin** popular culture today, discussed ancient history of a personal sort and mused on the nature of life, the universe and everything with the Most High Keeper and The Regulator/Architect.
My stomach is incredibly full of ridiculously rich food and I have the phone number of a musician trained in classical Persian music who "sometimes charges" but "just loves playing music" and is sure that "we can work something out." Eeee.
I met a Beth who plays oboe. I'm not sure, but I think she may be safe - she didn't seem to be evil. Still, we must be careful. Rainbow stripes are the absolute best thing ever, and bringing rice to china is a must. Again, just smile and nod and say it with me: Yes.
There was a reason for this post and it revolved around frustration... Oh! Yes. My Director dude emailed me and told me that he STILL isn't finished the first draft of his script that was due this past friday, and that he should really, for sure, for certain, have it by tomorrow. Bloody hell. I am so tearing him apart in my review. He'd better have secured the locations or I'm going to literally torture him until he shapes up. I will not have my mark decided by someone who cannot fulfill their commitments after assuring me that they can! GRRRRRRR. ahem. not that it's really feeling all that important at the moment, but there was certainly a burst of frustration a few minutes ago which prompted me to open the LJ page with furious intent. I suppose this quasi-paragraph is quite adequate.
I so love taking courses that are demanding but fun. These things feel so second nature to me and I love it. I jokingly stated today that the thing to do is to finish off one degree, then go for a second, a third, a fourth. I was kidding, but at the same time, if I had the money I would probably always be learning*** I'm glad, in a way, that I don't though, because I really do want to be out of school and in what amounts to the real world. At least for a time. I don't really feel that I can have valid opinions on some things before I've done this, so it really is something I want.
I think it's high time I started my review of my Dear Classmate/Director's "script." Oh may the Gods have pity on his imortal soul, for I certainly will not.
*respectable, in this case, refers to one who is a real LJer, as opposed to someone who simply keeps an LJ in order to keep track of other people's madness. Respectable also refers to the average, and the average is, in this case, the ideal. Yes. Just say it with me: Yes.
**By rejoin I mean observe and criticize whilst becoming knowledgable enough to actually be able to form an opinion on current events and issues. (Imagine that!)
***upon two seconds reflection I've realised that I simply always will be learning, just not perpetually within the confines of a university or school.
pop culture,
slight frustration,
east is east,
lj etiquette