Kid stuff

Feb 26, 2010 08:47

Quotes of the day from Orlaith so far: "I like wheat. It's good for the teeth." To Jake as he's going out the door: "Have a good day, Poochy" "See ya later, Honey".

Esme's new words of yesterday: rabbit, moon, tummy. She can also say pram, up there and door.
She's currently sat at the table across from me stuffing herself with Orlaith's leftover weetbix, having delightedly stripped off her pyjama top to show me her tummy and "boooobeeeees". Heh.
She also has two new best friends who go everywhere with her: Batby and Bibby. Bibby is a fluffy white teddy that I bought when I was pregnant with Orlaith. He's still utterly pristine as he'd pretty much never been played with before Esme latched onto him. Batby is actually a squishy Makkapakka toy we got for Orlaith for a fiver a few years ago. Esme has adopted him and he is Precious to her. So precious. I don't know why he is called Batby, he just is.
She took Bibby with her to playgroup yesterday, dragging him around to play with all the toys. She carried him all the way to pick up Orlaith from preschool and all the way home in the pram. She clutched them to herself in bed all night, waking up every so often to double check they were there. She also breastfeeds them. She started doing that yesterday, she pulls up her top and clutches one of them to her side, saying booby.

I managed to get my arse out of bed earlyish this morning so we are breakfasted and I#m just about to jump them in the shower. Who knows, we may even get to preschool on time for once. Good lord.

esme, orlaith

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