Dec 27, 2009 20:04
Sounds vaguely rude. ISn't.
Had a thoroughly lovely Christmas with Jake's parents this year. Lots of stories, tasty food, good company, a few glasses of wine and a tonne of pudding. The kids have had an awesome time too, playing with their new Duplo, fuzzy felt and Esme's robot. The robot is currently every one's favourite toy - Eddy and Maddy popped over today and they were spellbound by his plastic charms too.
Orlaith was amazingly cute today. Sat on the floor in the lounge room building something out of Duplo. I could hear her muttering to herself and eventually she started talking a bit louder: "This is Donny, Donny is a dinosaur. Oh what a lovely fellow he is" mutter mutter "and then Donny fell, SPLASH, into the stream and was carried away and his friends never saw him again. Oh DEAR!" And then shortly after this she started humming loudly to herself, and the tune eventually became a very noisy rendition of Rudolf the REd Nosed Reindeer. She was completely oblivous to every one else in the room, totally focussed on her game with the Duplo. Really intense little iamgination that one has.
Esme got a smooch from Eddy this evening, the little smoothy. I asked them to give each other hugs to say bye bye and she ran at him with ehr arms out, and he leant in and made big smoochy smacking lips at her and gave her a big kiss. Veery sweet.
Tomorrow we're heading up to Cov to go see Jake's grandma and his other rellies up there. Jake's grandfather passed away in November so this is the first Christmas Gladys has had without him in 63 years. So we're goign up to go and see how she is and take her her present and so forth. THen back to London for work on Tuesday for Jake. Hopefully it might snow again this week!
Off to go check on the girls now. Esme was asleep a little while ago but she may have woken up.