Last week Orlaith said 'ba', which doesn't sounds very exciting but she said it in response to the question "Would you like a BATH?" She looked at the bath tub and shouted "BA!" several times. Eventually that BA will become bath.
At Christmas she sat up in bed with me and Jake and very clearly enunciated "Hug." She has a book about a little chimp who wants a hug, so it's a word she hears a lot. She's not said it again since then but we both heard her say it.
And last night she said "tiss" then when I asked her if she wanted a kiss, she said "TISS" and leaned forward and slurped my face and bit the end of my nose, which is her way of giving kisses! Charming!
The other word she's said a few times is booo, because we call breast milk booba, and she occasionally pats my breast now and whispers boooooooba to it.
and here she is, yesterday morning eating her brekkie: