
Jun 03, 2004 13:37

Now that school’s over and I have enough sleep to actually remember my dreams, I think I’ll keep a dream log for fun. Cos they’re pretty interesting.

And hey, you can even try some psychoanalysis! (cough andy wong cough)

A couple nights ago (or rather, mornings) I dreamt that I was doing some labor. Eventually I became a black slave during the time period southerners call the “good old days.” Through a plot, I eventually found a shotgun, and took bloody revenge upon all my white oppressors!! Eventually scaling a huge cliff to escape, I found my end, and then the perspective changed to a documentary about Nate something, a slave who tried to scale a huge wall to escape to freedom. Hm…the radical inside me.

Today I dreamt that me and Caroline (yeah, you babe…aren’t you honored? :)) were eating in the inside of a big indoor mall right outside of the food place and people kept bothering us. Of course, being my usual charming self (of course ;)) I was able to deal with the situations. Like when some kid in an orange sanitation vest tried to hit on coolraline by mumbling and then saying “ah I give up” in a couple seconds (probably after he saw the stud eating with her). After he left, I simply said “you know, it might have been a little more effect had he not been cleaning up bathrooms all this time and approached us during dinner,” making the line laugh (for what reason who knows…hey, it’s my dream). Then, when people started to steal food from us, like some lady who was like “can I have some thanks” and left, I got annoyed and decided to overly hit on her in a creepy way, eventually running after her. Which of course, I went back via manipulating the laws of gravity (the ol’ flying in a dream) in a most awkward way.

Hey, speaking of which, “girl of my dream,” I think it’s about hi-time we hang out again…in real life lol

and oh yeah, I did not mention...Prom-age, was freaking fun. Surprisingly. Thanks for being my date, Caroline.
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