Learning the Ropes

Nov 21, 2007 12:53

Even though I'm guessing 3 maybe 4 people max will ever read this... I felt entitled to post some kind of an entry, even if it is me just rambling on using all kinds of bad grammer.

This whole LiveJournal thing is a bit overwhelming for a girl who survived most of high school and all four years of college (including one abroad in Ireland) using the exact same mechanical pencil.  Of cource I had extra lead and erasers but the point is all of these options and customized settings are way over my head.  Sure I have a computer, mobile phone, digital camera and iPod but that doesn't mean I know shit about 'user pics' and 'managing communities.'

I'm just a fangirl who spends countless hours reading other peoples Grey's Anatomy fics while I should be working.  So incase one of you three people who are reading this write GA fanfics... I send my deepest thanks for sharing your talent and continue to be in awe of your talent.

(and considering I'm kinda pathetic and have no friends, feel free to add me)


first post
