I just watched 18, maybe 19 hours worth of scary movies, finishing up with Texas Chainsaw Massacre… That was intense! And, 6 popcorn bags, 12 cokes, 2 bags of skittles, a bag of M&Ms, 4 Hershey bars, (I'm prepping for Halloween, ok? ;D), 2 Gatorades, and 3 or 4 Red Bulls later, here we are… I don’t feel like moving.
So that’s what my table/floor looks like- no exaggeration at all:
Ok, so there might have been more than I mentioned.
And I just realized something… I don’t think there’s any real food in this dorm. Oops.
Anyway, my roommate left last night, and I guess he’s not coming back. But I’m not afraid to sleep alone or anything, so it doesn’t matter. I don’t need anybody to share a room with. Just watched that whole marathon by myself, and I’m not scared at all! Not sure what time it is right now. Aww I think I missed today’s detention… Oh well- it’s not like I did anything bad anyway… Yup; I’ve been good over here, just watching movies It’s the closest I’m gonna get to adventure I guess.
Oh, look- 28 Days later is on! Maybe just one more movie, and then I'll turn the TV off...
Also, message to my roommate: You alive? Haven’t seen you since you disappeared last night. I would go save you and stuff, but I’m not allowed.
Pointlessthispostispointless *crawls back onto the couch*