What Time is It?

Oct 08, 2011 05:49

OMFG There's a new song on Guitar Hero that I just unlocked, and its literally impossible to beat!  Don't believe me...

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Well really just the ending is impossible, and that kid from the video said he did that without the bot, but yeah right; I doubt it!  I tried it at least 50 times last night without the cheat codes, and I couldn't even pass it ONCE!  Went through a pint of cookies and creme and 3  or 4 cans of Mountain Dew before I gave up, but it wasn't a total loss cause they give you points for attempting to finish the song that and uhh...

...What was I saying?  Oh yeah after Guitar Hero, I took out my frustration on Call of Duty and me and my clan buddies on PS3 totally kicked ass, so that's the other reason why it wasn’t a total loss.   Oh and btw Kiku didn’t wake up the entire time- NOT ONCE!   That must mean I’m getting good at this quiet thing!  I feel proud… LOL

Hopefully I’m not speaking in chat talk, but I think I am at least a little, and I can’t really help it cause I was talking to a couple of my buddies back in New York online last night, and I haven’t seen them in forever, so I was IMing for awhile, hence the chat speak… So… yeah-  I can’t remember why I started writing this thing- I THINK there was a reason originally why I started writing this thing, but I can’t think of it…  Maybe not…  So until I do, I’ll just focus on what I CAN think of…

-I wish I had some coffee ice cream right now…

-Pochi’s been asleep on my pillow for the past couple hours, which is kinda cute…

-Kiku’s been asleep on my pillow ALL night, which is VERY cute

-… I really want my pillow back guys… Ohgodmancardwherediditgo?

-Hot Chelle Rae is an amazing band… if you haven’t heard them before, you should look them up!  DO IIIIT!!   (Matt we need to do more of their songs!)

- I re-watched Captain America and Iron Man, and I can’t wait for The Avengers movie to come out- its gonna be epic if they make it right!  *crosses fingers*

-Popcorn bag number 3…. Coke number 5…

-Uhh I should have been studying for something… but I wasn’t in the moo, so instead I…

OH!  I REMEMBER NOW!  I was drew something awesome earlier!

Hahahahaha the ending I don’t even know what that is, but the weapons and the outfits look pretty badass, so it’s all good!  The attacker and the protector… It would make for an awesome series… or at least some pretty cool Halloween costumes of something! :D  And to think, I did this  all in one night… Its AMAZING what you can do with 8 hours when you don’t waste it sleeping!

Ok, I think I’m gonna go for a run in a little bit, after I make some more coffee, and breakfast- Poptarts counts as making breakfast, right? so I’ll see ya later! 

sugar, distractions, what is sleep, video games, random, coffee, comics

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