Why, of course I'd love to join the Rangers, proclaim my undying loyalty to Sinclair day in and day out and spend the rest as a second-rate Minbari imitation, but other than that...
No, seriously - I have never dreamt of being anything else but a Psi Cop. Which is not shatteringly original, true; nearly every child who is Cadre Prime and watches John Trakker wants the same thing. However, contrary to what mundanes believe, a P12 rating does not automatically guarantee access to this profession. A lot of P12s end up in administration, mostly because they can't handle the field. I had to work very hard to achieve my dream, and had to shed several immature ideas on the way. When I was fifteen, my mentor, Sandoval Bey, gave me a dose of reality I direly needed at the time.
"A Psi Cop has the hardest job in the world," he said. "He has to hunt down his own people. For their own good, yes, but hunt them he must, and osmetimes kill them. His own people, and they hate him for it because they do not understand. The normals who benefit from his work do not understand him, either, of course - at the best they tolerate him, see him as one sort of smelly animal useful only for ridding them of even smellier ones. At worst, they fear and loathe him."
But Bey also knew why it was worth it. The Corps is mother and father, and so are we. We are the guardians, the ones who protect our people, the ones who eventually will create a world in which they are not a minority who has to bow to the laws of the mundanes anymore, but taking their rightful place as the future of humanity. I intend to make sure that future happens, one way or
the other.