I realize that it's a small thing, but he's doing a great job of going for illustrative as well as PR. The scene has a three month old unicorn colt in it, clearly described as a baby. So...nice to be able to explain this to him for the cover.
I'd be glad to help, but I'll only be on computer about another hour today. email is wynnsfolly on gmail. I've raised and breed horses for a few decades.
Where can I send it to you? And it would be kind if you didn't show it to anyone else yet--it's not done, and artists hate for Works in Progress to be shown to anyone.
I think I have someone looking at it. Thank you, everyone who offered to seek help! Greatly appreciated. (I'll tell you when there's something to show off!)
Sorry, putting out numerous fires elsewhere, on top of farm stuff.
The art looks like a mature stallion. Proportions have depth and musculature of adult with testosterone (heavy neck, broad chest, deep round croup, massive legs). Baby has smoother, flatter muscles, less depth of neck, chest, and hindquarters. Much slimmer legs, also much longer. Upright rectangle rather than horizontal one. Legs stop growing in first year, rest of body builds on top of it. Neck on baby is proportionally shorter and lighter than on adult.
My facebook album "then and now" shows the process. Let me know if I need to set it public.
Totally understand, thank you for taking a moment to explain! (I knew a couple of people wanted to discuss that topic--had no clue it was going to explode. And I leave for the funeral tomorrow, argh. So far everyone is being well-mannered.)
Comments 11
email is wynnsfolly on gmail. I've raised and breed horses for a few decades.
The art looks like a mature stallion. Proportions have depth and musculature of adult with testosterone (heavy neck, broad chest, deep round croup, massive legs). Baby has smoother, flatter muscles, less depth of neck, chest, and hindquarters. Much slimmer legs, also much longer. Upright rectangle rather than horizontal one. Legs stop growing in first year, rest of body builds on top of it. Neck on baby is proportionally shorter and lighter than on adult.
My facebook album "then and now" shows the process. Let me know if I need to set it public.
Packing. Cat on lap--he's not thrilled.
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