You may not know this--may never have thought about it. But O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois USA is not named for some local politician who made sure an airport was centrally located and had the start-up funding that it needed.
It's named for a hero. A WWII fighter pilot who survived the event that earned him his Metal of Honor, and went on to other great feats. The one that earned him a Navy Cross was his last action on Earth. He was only 29, and left behind a wife, a daughter, and the life he did not finish.
On Memorial Day, give thought to the people who made and make everything possible for us. Those who serve would tell us that they are not all heroes. But they answered the call to protect our Constitution and our country. They deserve all our thanks and courtesy, and whatever help we can give them to find a new place to stand in the flow of time.
They have returned from a far country, and can never be the same.
Learn about Lt Cmdr Edward "Butch" O'Hare.