Jun 09, 2013 14:18
So here I am on the Tower of Doom, editing a friend's manuscript. (Actually, I am not editing it. I put it into Styles so the eformatting will work, and I occasionally can't stand it and correct something I catch.) This gives me a first shot at doing this for my Alfreda novels, and helps this person out, who cannot afford to pay for this service.
I am going nuts.
I have hit a tiny, two line, three column area that was not, of course, built with columns.
I've never built columns in Word. Never had a need for them in fiction. This, of course, is nonfiction.
Clippy is useless; I pulled the plug on him. I just want to know, how do I place the type so these six words flow to where I want them, and duplicate the author's written manuscript? Four different attempts have not worked, and the system just died and is tattling to Microsoft.
This is your fault, Microsoft. If I could update the things you no longer allow to be updated, this probably would not be happening.
Time to buy That MS Office 2010. (One has to space out the expensive purchases.)
In the meantime, perhaps someone else has a better tutorial on columns in MS Office 2000....
antiquated software