Yes, the entry to Casa de Luz Austin really looks like this at night. Over twenty years ago, a group of people took an abandoned meat packing plant just south of the Colorado River/Town Lake and turned it into a pocket of paradise.
They don't serve salmon anymore, because they struggle to keep a deep discount for good, nourishing food, but it's the best vegan food with the most variety you'll get for many, many miles in any direction. They need time to meet the restrictions the city has laid upon them, they probably will need a fundraiser, and they need your help.
So -- sign the petition. Write letters to the town council (my letter on this blog contains a lot of important data points.) Drop by and see the place for yourself! There are two Facebook pages, for some reason -- Casa de Luz Austin, TX on Toomey Road.
Check them out. They'll have more information.
Macrobiotic diet changes -- to whole foods, less animal products, fermented condiments, whole grains, alkaline tea -- saved my life. Literally. Macrobiotics has saved the lives of tens and probably hundreds of thousands of other people. This place is part of what makes Austin unique. After grousing about parking for months, the city suddenly has a bunch of other things they are concerned about. I smell a developer who desperately wants to drop an office building on that property.
Do your part.
Save another piece of Austin. Thank you for taking time to read this.
UPDATE: If you're not on Facebook, try these links. They're bound to post something eventually. (Good nonprofit people who are clueless about social media.) Thanx to Sheilagh for tracking down and sharing info!
On this page: I see is a list of favorites. No posts, no real information.
I can see recommendations & highlights here: a few posts, most recent is from August.
Their Twitter feed is @CasaDeLuz.