Dr. Rhea Parsons on why eating gluten free improves her auto-immune condition

Sep 25, 2012 09:09

Over at Christina Cooks, Dr. Rhea Parsons talks about how seriously experimenting with a gluten free diet (not just horsing around with it) may seriously improve your health. In her case, she has a lot of incentive to stay gluten free. She started here:

Changing to a whole-food, plant-based diet relieved me of over one hundred pounds, a multitude of medical problems and about a dozen medications. My autoimmune disorders, however, are with me for the long haul. Having one autoimmune disease makes one more likely to develop others.

When she went gluten free, she found that she felt even better. Is it easy to go gluten free? Totally gluten free? It's not a snap. But you get fresh, healthy food, you learn how to cook, and you learn how to use your freezer!

Check out her story.

gluten free

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