Well, of course I goofed setting up the timer on releasing the blog post, but my series on "How to diet without dieting, or reflections on how food, diet, and dieting can affect writing" goes up at
Book View Cafe's blog. As soon as I finish writing this promo.
This is not about writing per se -- it's about my belief that a disease changed the expression of genes, and changed my diet so radically that I lost my higher functioning abilities and ability to write fiction. Finally identifying it is speeding my recovery, and has me hoping I can sell new work and find a job soon.
So...if you have never been able to put your finger on what makes your diet fail you, you might take a look at my proposal, and see if it either sparks a response in you, or gives you other ideas to follow up. Just don't give up.
Stand back! I'm going to try Science!