Many of you know that I went macrobiotic in an attempt to heal my battered body. (I didn't do the battering, by the way -- which is probably why I'm doing as well as I am.) Since I make most of my food from scratch, I don't see trans fats or high fructose corn syrup very much. Mostly I use maple syrup and agave nectar, the first having lots of wonderful trace vitamins, minerals, and flavors, the second a good sweetener that can be cooked with and does not spike blood sugar. I use real (fair trade organic) sugar and brown sugar, when I need a heavy gun. I have slowly added corn back into my diet -- but it arrives as fresh corn, or corn tortillas.
Here's an article referring to the first real study on high fructose corn syrup vs. sugar/glucose. All sugars are not the same, it appears: Do I think that this is THE cause of the rapid increase in human obesity in so-called first world countries? No. Do I think that it contributes greatly to this phenomenon? Mais, oui.
And as an aside -- why do Chilean blueberries this year have no flavor? I'm ready to toss the rest of this box....