I told u so

Sep 21, 2005 18:50

Well, ladies, gents and peter we have another problem on our hands. Hurricane Rita, the new tropical storm some of u might have heard of is headed straight for the small Island of Galvenport, Texas. This morning Rita was a whimpy level 2, but just tonight it suddenly shifted to a catagory 5. The sceond fiver to hit the gulf coast in a month.

Luckilly Galvenport has a Republican Mayor and a Republican govenor (its in Texas, duh) and even as we speak there is only a total of nine patients (to sick to move) still in the hospitals in Gavlenport. The sick went frist then the elderly and there is now a tuourant of cars fliling at a relitively quick pace out of the one bridge that connects Galvenport to the mainland. The universety of Texas simulated what would happen to Galvenport if a fiver hit, and its going to be underwater, literally another New Orleans. Thankfully, the city's ground is above sea level, so the water will drain quickly, but the issue still remains that the Island will be covered. Thankfully Galvenport is practically empty even now before the skies are greyish.

Notice, if u will, Republcan Mayor, Republican Govenor. Its no lesson learning. The poverty Galvenport had were transported out with the 200 some odd, STATE CONTROLED school busses. The STATE TROOPERS are the ones that helped the elderly get evacuated and are still sweeping neiborhoods for people. Every nook and cranny of responcibily was taken by the STATE.

Now some of you may have read my dear friend Jane's comment on my second to last journal. And, not to controdict your way of thinking Jane, but it is most definatly within the states power to evacuate, unless that is New Orleans is the poorest of US cities (which we all know isnt true, think of the tourists). This shows us that it was not the Federal Govenrment's fault, so if anyone else (not saying this 2 u Jane) who wants to bull shit on how it was Bush's fault, then shut up. Our commander and cheif is doing a great job.

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