Update: James 9-7-05

Sep 07, 2005 21:19

Hey u guys. Back to check on my life? Well I'm fine, and urselfs? Oh really?! Well I'm glad to hear that.

Anyway, on to me. So I'm going to run for student council right, and its gonna be great the admisinstration will be all impressed cause im folowing in my sisters footsteps and all that other crap. Can you beleive that every single administration person that is on first name terms with Lauren has had their first words to me be "wow you've got some big footstep to folow in!" Thats right buddy, and i indend to fill those and then some, so that when my dear little brother gets to the old High School the teachers will realize just how little his feet are (that sounds cruel, but i meant it'll make me look good).

Also, recently many of you might have heard me talking about leaving honors social studies. Well after long concideration I have decided to stay in honors. Why, you might ask? Well its all quite simple really; The second term of the year freshmen have no study and gym instead, so the things stoping me from taking acc. social studies was the fact that i know with 4 acc. cources I will have quite a bunch of finals to study for, and the homework to boot. And if i don't get on student council then I'll still have a club to learn to preseident because Lauren will be leaving in May. This tells me to steer the hell away from more responcibility. And there, my friends, you have my theory of to-much-work-ativity.

-bows- -applause-

Thank you, Thank you. On to the next suject, Boy's Swimming. Where to begin. Lets start with the basics. I'm thinkin of doing it so it looks good for collage (having a sister that is going through this whole "collage shopping" crap is a very good example of what i should and shouldn't do, and starting early is on the "Should" list), and because I've never really done school sports before and there's a first time for everything. Plus when i was chunky and on swim team in the summers like, oh say 3, 4 years ago, i was fast. Not totally skilled in the strokes, but fast at the ones i mastered. I talked to Haas about it and he said that boys don't shave their legs for the cometitions, so im going for it. All i have to get around is the jammers/speedos. Do u know why they're called "Jammers"? Its because they jam all the things up into... u get the idea im sure, kinda like the effect a slipin slide has on a normal bathingsuit. Also I'll give a shout out to Annie Hooper. She was extremly helpful asking her friend (his last name is boder, and his kick ass sn is OneBigBoder.classsssy) to explain to me that only the weird, really-into-swimming guys shave their legs.

Letsee anything else. Not really. OH YEAH! I love having Lauren's senior friends talk to me in the halls and at lunch ans stuff. It kicks ass.

Hey, uh leave a comment if u read this cause i like to know who reads my stuff. And u know what sucks, my stalker-fearing parents have forbidden me myspace, and that just sucks cause i cant meet any other people online except for this livejournal. So pass it along if u want. Whatever.

Untill next entry, this is James for Chanel 7 news, you stay classy internet.
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