
Aug 21, 2011 15:54

My first.. and probably last... contribution to the world of cricket - from

so… someone has broken out a Thesaurus, changed some titles around, given a few people the arse and decided that’s enough to keep Cricket moving forward. I say… its not enough. Why stop now? If your going to do some restructuring its the perfect opportunity to make some changes to the rules, the equipment and the athletes and push Cricket from its current status as a event with all the passion and excitement of watching flies in a jar to a sport that truly embraces the 21st century and all it has to offer. How is it that in an age of carbon fiber, bio-engineering, quantum mechanics and information technology this sport has dug in its heels and refused to move with the times. Wooden bats, leather balls, white trousers. This is no way to greet the bold new horizon which the future presents. In an age where most teenagers are jaded by violent computer games and high definition war footage, a sport as quaint as Cricket cant hope to stay relevant. So what is the solution I hear you ask?

Cricket needs violence, speed, spectacle, and the most enhanced athletes science can provide. We need two teams of juiced up gladiators, engineered to chemical perfection for speed, strength and pain resistance. Blood, explosions, motorcycle accidents, these are things the audience should be crying out for in their fits of VB induced hallucinations. Laser sights, helicopter assists, rocket propelled sporting equipment. The new technologies that could come out of sport may equal that of war, rather than the pitiful contribution to society it provides now. And ultimately, we may find that this sport becomes not just something that is watchable… but something we can sell to the Americans… ushering in a new era of Australian economic stability and growth.

Isnt it time.. that Cricket gave a little something back to its fans.
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