the last few days

Nov 06, 2013 19:50

Yesterday was pretty bad. A list:
1. Left phone at Au Bon Pain in the morning, but didn't realize it until 1:30pm.
2. several co workers were being asshats.
3.  One of said co workers kicked over my lunch bag in the cloak room, didn't tell me, and as a result, a sealed bottle of carbonated flavored water exploded. I put said bag in my rolling backpack,and as a result, 2 library books were damaged, and I am going to be out almost 70 dollars in replacement costs.
the good that happened
I arrived home, by cab, because I really wasn't feeling like riding the bus. I don't usually do this, but for my sanity, figured it would be okay once in a while... Upon arrival at home, I flopped into bed, and both cats immediately surrounded me and wanted scritches. Nothing like kitty lovin to lift the spirits.
I decided as a result of all this bad shit happening to me to do something good, and I donated some money to the KDKA turkey fund in order to feed hungry families. I felt marginally better.

Ordered pizza as a treat, because, as aforementioned, it helped my sanity. comfort food was comforting.

Genesii went fairly well, and we are excited about upcoming performances. Have a great day, all.
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