The last few weeks and stuff

Jan 16, 2010 13:49

 The last few weeks have been uneventful for the most part. The seasonal job at Lush is over, sadly. I miss it already. It would be nice to have kept the job, and I miss the discount, they couldn't keep all the seasonal staff on. Sadness.

Purchased the Biggest Loser game for the Wii. Will be trying it out shortly. I just know it's gonna kick my ass, which is a good thing.

Had a massage done by my friend Denice this week. Haven't been worked on in a few months, and the body sure felt it.

Genesii is going well. Hopefully our 12th night show is well received.

Today we went down to the Waterfront, hoping to try out a new Thai place, The Green Mango.  However fail on their part. They were closed and didn't have their hours posted on their door. However, the clever hubby called the location in Point Breeze and found out their hours. Given the fact that it was 11:15 and i was hungry and couldn't wait 45 minutes to eat else my blood sugar do bad things, we elected to eat at Hokkaido seafood buffet instead. We really enjoyed it for the most part, although some things were hit and miss, for example, the kimchi, according to Dave, tasted like sour milk, and I really didn't enjoy the lo-mein. However the rest of the items that we tried(and we want to go back because there was a lot we didn't get to sample.) were tasty. I think it was Monica C. who mentioned that when she went there it was crowded and the tables were too close and while it wasn't busy or that crowded at the time we were there, I could see where it could get bad that way.(Cellio, please feel free to chime in if I am mistaken).

Have any of my peeps here tried The Green Mango? If so, what did they think?

Tonight is dinner and euchre at our friends Brian and Su's house. Also complete with white elephant gift exchange. So after we watch last night's episode of Numb3rs that we recorded on the dvr, I will wrap our chosen gifts and put them where they're easily grabbed on the way out the door. Tomorrow is staying in , (unless I decide to go to half price books in the morning, because I have accumulated quite a bit of stuff in the sale bin in the bedroom, and I need to empty it ) and doing house stuff and hanging out till Genesii rehearsal in the evening at CMU. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
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