(no subject)

May 19, 2006 16:16

Another delayed update. It's a Friday afternoon, I'm sleepy and having trouble focussing on Celtic Palaeography post-850, so naturally I'm taking a break by considering the argument put forward by this page in favour of replacing decimal with hexadecimal in our everyday lives.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm very fond of hexadecimal, but I think it's going to take more than one highly-acclaimed Americo-centric website to convince the world. The Hexclock is amusing and I'd get it on my desktop if there was an option to do so, but until God sees fit to grant us all eight fingers on each hand, I think I'll stick with decimal for my run-of-the-mill calculations.

Other news: it's a very blustery day today and not as warm as it has been. I'm going to be twenty-one on the tenth of June and the idea of it is somewhat scary. The Parental Units have offered to buy me a gift - any gift - that costs about £1F4 (£500 for those of us using the ridiculously outdated decimal system). This is extremely generous of them. The downside is that I can't think of anything to ask for - it would have to be something that I could use now, something that would last a bit, something that I'd enjoy and something that would be practical for a student to have. There isn't anything I really need at present. I'm very loath to just ask for the money - I don't need it right now and there isn't really much heart or spirit in simply giving someone a lump sum. I think I'll probably end up asking for a smaller gift, maybe a few books or something.

There's a strange banging noise coming from just above my skylight. I'm not sure if it's a loose tile or a parasitic being called Fred that comes with the house.

I've given up on getting a book published any time soon. Maybe, given a few years and a bit more life experience, I'll be able to write something that people will actually want to read. Until then - well, I've found it hard to think what will happen. I don't know what else I can do that would count as a job. In fact, I feel completely aimless about life. Hope of getting something published has been part of me for a long time; what there is left is a sort of phantom limb phenomenon - it hurts like the real thing, but I keep having to remember that it's not there any more as well.

I am looking forward to having this weekend - a bit of getting out and about will blow away some of the more persistant cobwebs, I should think. My life is not all doom and gloom - far from it! The sun is shining, the flowers are in bloom, my work is generally rolling along as it should and all is well.

This post completed at B_37 by the Hexclock, on the 13th hexday of the 5th hexmonth of the hexyear 7D6.


rambling, writing, trivia

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