(no subject)

Apr 05, 2006 18:33

Ever noticed how hard it is to start working in the afternoon if you've not done anything all day?

I find it amusing that King Arthur - in Lawman's Brut, at least - owns a sword called 'Caliburn', a shield called 'Pridwen', a helmet called 'Goswhit' and a spear called 'Ron'. Which, as 'Ron' apparently means 'spear' in Welsh, is like calling your car 'Car'. Or maybe 'Automobile'.

I find it amusing that 'mine swete lemmon' in Middle English isn't a type of citrus fruit but an endearment translated as 'my sweet darling'.

Yesterday I won a game of chess for the first time in several years. I think the mistake I was making was that I was getting impatient and making silly moves all the time - not taking the time to make sure I didn't miss anything. It has revived my love of the game. I also learnt a rule - en passant - which is to do with the pawns. It is one of the three rules that are not found in many Eastern chess variants, because they were invented in Europe - the other two are castling and the passed pawn (when it gets to the other side of the board and you get your queen back). Also the movement range of the queen and the rooks didn't used to be unlimited (not sure about the bishops), so that's often different in older variants as well.

I'm heading on pilgrimage to Lindisfarne with ful devout corage - from Haddington, starting on Saturday. I do love Northern Cross, but I had hoped to bring some friends along this year and everyone's backed out (for one reason or another). Next year, eh? It would be wonderful to share it...


rambling, trivia

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