I couldn't sleep tonight so I started looking stuff up that I remembered when I was a kid and ran across the Oka Crisis of 1990. This was a very fucked up situation where the area of Quebec was building a god damned golf course over sacred Mohawk land. The land was a burial ground for the ancestors and forefathers of the Mohawks. The Oka natives took there stand there and prevented workers and the gov't from building this golf course in order to protect their rightful land and the spirits of their fathers and grandfathers. The gov't sent in storm troopers with rifles to make them leave. Even the Mohawk women came in to try to prevent this catastrophe against humanity. I think you know who won in the end. FOOOOORE!!!!
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So now I hope you know that one day your grave or the graves of your predecessors or that of your children may one day be a playing field for arrogant self important rich fucks! If we as a people and/or fellow countrymen don't stand up for eachother the gov't will do as they please in order to please the rich. How long til something like this happens to you or I.
And you thought Native Americans were only fucked over a few hundreds years ago!