Dec 04, 2009 03:17
One of the joys of the internet is that you can discuss all sorts of things with different people that live in different places, earn interesting perspectives on all sorts of topics. The below conversations erupted during such a time with some WoW buddies. My thoughts on yaoi:
Why is it that guys can fawn over their favourite celebrity women yet scoff at the popularity of things like Twilight? Why do they complain that girls these days only like thin, whispy, barely-men pretty-boys yet they drool over the ideal-looking-woman-that-is-totally-not-in-real-life? Ya know? And I can twist this around: why do women roll their eyes when they hear guys talk about Megan Fox but squeal in the mention of Robert Pattinson?
More irony: Please don’t tell me the horrors of how the government is slowly controlling everyone by spying/logging phone conversations and then reach for your ringing cell phone. What? Mind you, I’m not saying our government’s perfect. I’m not saying that our government’s not trying to control us. I'm just merely pointing out the irony of the discussion.
But the beauty of those who have access to freedom of speech is that we are allowed to be hypocritical about things - we can complain up and down about modern life, analyze it, conjure theories about it, and still embrace it as a part of our everyday lives (whether we like to or not).
So, when such debates come up again, the best choice for me is to just smile and nod. Smile and nod. And try not to let it bug me too much. Ha-ha.
Lastly, I’m a terrible verbal debater. Always have been, always will be. I have a hard time forming what I want to say into words instantly. I flounder around and end up feeling stupid and frustrated, even when people somewhat agree with what I’m saying. My rebuttals are best served in the written format. I have the time then to analyze what has been said to me, think of the best way to respond, then carefully do so without time constraints.
Sadly, I’ve discovered more and more that writing is a crappy way for a lot of people to work out issues. Both a coworker and a friend have made this clear to me so far *sigh*
However, my problem with discussing things verbally is that people always misinterpret what I have to say because I can’t say it properly, and I end up not saying what I need to say anyway because I’m distracted/sidetracked by their comments. In the written form, at least, I can let out everything I want to say in the way I want to say it without being led astray by a side remark. And with written responses, I can read and re-read them, break them apart, chew over them, then decide from there how to act.
Does anyone else have this issue of communicating with people? Anyone have a solution to this? My social skills are falling away piece by piece; it’s rather depressing. I'll probably someday die a lonely hermit. *laugh*
But at least there’s always LiveJournal *huggles it*