Strange Week...

Jun 01, 2007 10:42

Talk about a strange week!

LJ had gone all sorts of crazy, with the whole WFI thing and all. I can understand the organization's cause, but they went about it all wrong, targeted the wrong type of people for it, stirred up all sorts of crap, and really didn't get much further than they were hoping to. *shrugs*

I've been reluctant to say anything about the topic, simply because I couldn't get all worked up about it, couldn't make a big deal about it, like others were. I'm not into kiddie porn, slash, or any of that stuff. Also, wouldn't really care all that much if LJ decided to delete this journal (I wonder if I'd react differently if this was a paid account--SO GLAD it isn't!). Seriously, LJ. Delete my journal. I'll just create another, let my former flist know, and carry on with life. Kiss my ass, LJ, WFI, etc. I'm not surrendering to you. I'm not gonna censor myself, edit my profile, or any of that crap to satisfy you. *sticks out tongue* Besides, my journal being deleted wouldn't at all negatively affect anyone here, am I right? No one's gonna go "OMG, NOES, ALF_B HAS BEEN BAHLEETED, MY LIFE IS COMING TO AN END I'M GONNA CUT MYSELF AND GO ALL EMO AND CRY NOEZ!!!11111!!" *laughs* that would be silly, right? (and creepy!)

But for many, including some on my flist *hugs flist tightly* this is a big issue, and I respect that. I'm sure if some organization was making LJ delete every journal that had anything to do with Inuyasha, or WoW, or such, I'd go ballistic! I'm just glad it's all over with. Aren't you? I, for one, was starting to get tired of it. I agree with most everyone else that LJ's apology was lame, their excuses for doing what they did was lame, it was all lame. But you know what? At least they're finally doing something about it! They could just as easily stood their ground, kept on deleting LJs, and not done sweet-f-all about it. But they didn't, so I'm sure they deserve to be cut a little slack. True, they shouldn't have done it in the first place, but again, at least they're trying to correct the situation...

With that being said, I wish to talk about much better things...

...Like my anniversary!

Husband and I celebrated our 5th anniversary yesterday, May 31st :) We had hoped, a few years back, to celebrate it by having an actual wedding (we got married in a courthouse--eloped, I guess. No one had a clue 'till afterwards). But, of course, life said "Yeah right" and that didn't happen. Meh. Maybe eventually. So instead, Joe and I ate out and contemplated whether or not to catch a movie at the theatre. All that was playing was Shrek 3, Spiderman 3, Pirates 3 (oooh, the big threes! *rolls eyes*) and some Kevin Costner film that I'd never heard of. So we went home instead. Spent some time with our son, Tyler. Was hoping to get it on hardcore (if you know what I mean, heh-heh) but Tyler decided he had to be up until 1:30am *headdesk* So much for that! So yeah, an extremely uneventful 5th annivesary, but it was still OK :)

Oh, I have a GreatestJournal account! I'm alf_b there, same as here. Friend me if you have an account there!! I've actually had it for over a year, intending on using it for some online roleplay community, but never got around to it -_- Therefore, the account was never touched all this time...

And now, I leave you with YouTube clips! :) You don't have to understand WoW at all to find these amusing :) I thought they were hilarious! So I thought I'd share. Enjoy!

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rl, lj, wow

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