Update and Avatar Ponderings

Jan 11, 2007 08:28

To those of you who have responded to my last two posts, I thank you deeply for it *bows* The support is always appreciative :)

in-laws in GP have agreed to let us crash at their place for a few days until it gets warmer (which, so far looks like that'll be around Monday or Tuesday). Our extra electric heater just wasn't cutting it combined with our old one and it was quite cold in the motor home. It's nice staying in GP--I'm only a few minutes walk from work, so I don't have to worry about vehicles not starting either :)

Still no sign of Nimbus. I spent roughly two hours trudging through 3 feet of snow around the neighborhood calling his name, but he never came. Nimbus is not a dumb cat--he would have taken shelter somewhere instead of waiting for us by the door of the motor home until he froze. Still, though, I worry that he isn't answering me because he actually is frozen somewhere. I will try again to look for him today.

M. Night Shyamalan has got to be one of my all-time favorite directors. I love ALL of the movies he's done and squee my head off when I find out he's making a new one :) However, I had to pause, I mean really pause upon hearing the rumor (fact?) that he's gonna do Avatar: The Last Airbender. Um, what? Shyamalan is famous for his suspense/supernatural horror/thrillers with delicious plot twists and packed full of symbolism. Avatar's got the symbolism, but...the rest? *scratches head* I guess Shyamalan can't do the same type of movie his entire career, but I dunno, I just can't see him do this one. (I'm guessing that his kids are into Avatar, he's watched a few episodes and has decided he likes it, then came up with an oh-so-brilliant-and-original plan to make it into a live-action movie.) I'm afraid that he'll make one of those movies that tries so hard to be a "good" movie that it actually ends up being over-the-top and cheesy. I'm also afraid that he'll try to incorporate a bit of his current filmaking style with the suspense/horror/thriller/whatever stuff into it. To sum this all up in one sentence, Shyamalan just doesn't fit with Avatar. There are other directors out there who mesh more with the show. Shyamalan's a filmmaking genius and all, but I hope these rumors I hear about him making A:tLA are just that--rumors. Then again, like he has a few times before, he may surprise me :)

rl, rant, movies

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