Jun 04, 2008 15:49
I got the kid from school..the other going to Camp Pringle to be taught how to do archery. Hmmm maybe she can teach them a thing or two, yet again.
But anyhow, I got a kid here who is beating on my excerise ball (excerise being the key word here), and she's saying, "I'm bored. I'm still hungry. Can I go on the computer?"
My answers are as follows: So. Tough. No .
Dog was being a knuckle head today by bugging me with that look. The look that says: Ball?!
I'm still trying to figure thing LJ stuff out, but I'll get it. Doesn't seem too difficult, just got to be at the right place at the right time. And the brain has to work...mine isn't at the moment, or overly much.
Oh thanks to all that are already my "friends".