Oct 12, 2008 19:16
The rules are: Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 12 weird random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged.
1. I LOVE CHEESE. Fo realz. =]
2. Did you know that Spam is pork shoulder?
3. I'm a nail biter.
4. Supposedly I'm related to this dude that brought the Black Plague to parts of Germany. =|
5. I hate rap, but I love Rihanna and MIA
6. I hate pasta with a passion. I'll eat Spaghettios with hot dogs but that is it.
7. I have a lot of heroes but I think right now the biggest one in my life is King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem. Yes I am a nerd.. =]
8. I can't type. I keep typing the wrong numbers for like all of these.DAMMITTTT
9. I swear like a sailor.
10. I hav e these random bursts of girlyness. I sit around on the interwebz and look at clothes on Wet Seal and stuff...
11. ...Then I go to freerice.com so I don't feel guilty. =]
12. I wanna join the National Guard.
always_tete theatrelvr08 frankly_scarlet