Aug 28, 2012 15:54
As of today, I've lost 4kg of my goal 10. It's been a miserable couple of months but it's totally worth it. I'm fitting much better into the jeans that I love and I don't want to cry when I look at my stomach in the mirror anymore. Thankfully, I no longer look pregnant (my belly fat tends to collect in a specific area and looks rather alarming at worst). I just keep thinking forward to the next couple of months when I reach my goal and not only look great again in all my clothes, but can eat KFC and pizzas again... no... don't think like this... right now the majority of my diet is muesli, yoghurt and carrots.
I got some leather pants on eBay- well, not real leather, because the real ones never come in the style I like. I used my own eBay account for the first time instead of my parents', and paid just over £30 including postage. They are GORGEOUS! They are in a low rise jeans style, and way softer and more comfortable than my old ones (I used to have an extremely tight pair that I got for my 18th that I could hardly get out of and eventually ripped beyond repair). The next time I wear them I will get a picture.
In June, Ollie helped me move all my stuff out of halls to bring it back home, and I finally got to return the favour - I helped to move all his stuff from halls to the house he will be renting for the next year. I drove half his stuff and his housemate drove the other half, and we made it in one trip. We just piled everything up in the living room and (he has a lot of stuff) one couldn't move about. And to thank us, Ollie made what was probably the tastiest pasta bake I've ever had.
I've got my own moving in date for halls this year too - on the 15th of September, I'll be back in Exeter, and I just can't wait! I'm so excited to meet my new flatmates and go out on the piss and actually... go back to uni and learn something. The next year is gonna be hard- well, that's not the right word. It's gonna be a lot of work. If I want to get into medical school after my 3rd year, I need to fight for a 1st in my degree. Considering I passed the first year with a 2:1 and only studied when an exam was on the horizon... it could seem daunting. If I don't study each and every day, and organise my work carefully and do as much outside reading as possible, I might not even pass this year. So I need to work harder than ever.
That time has come, once again. When one has had a computer or laptop for so long, it barely functions any more. And for me, that time has come. The laptop I'm using now has been with me for 5 years, and it's giving up. It's not just that trying to play DMO on it drives me to distraction. There are other things. There is a vertical green line straight down the screen on the right side that used to go away if I tilted the screen a bit, but now is a pemanent feature. Every now and then, I get a red line join it in the same fashion. I know that that will too be permanent. About a week ago, I loaded an entire episode of Sailor Moon (considering the internet speed here, that is quite a treasure). And as I went to watch it, the laptop decided to give me a BSOD. One can only laugh. And other than that, the thing is just plain slow because it's been used so much, and it's terribly outdated - I can get a laptop with tons more memory for the same price this one was 5 years ago. So, last week, my mother and I went out browsing for my future system. I can't get one for another month yet, because she doesn't get her release money until then. Whatever she spends on a laptop for me, she's giving the same to my brother. I think the original idea was that he'd put it to an Apple, but last I heard, he wanted a hi-fi. But I digress. She's looking to spend around £300-£400. I knew exactly what I needed to ask for in store. The guy in there asked what I needed the laptop for, and I said it was primarily a student laptop, but I needed it for music and gaming, specifically for an MMORPG. He said then that it needed a dedicated graphics card, but the computers with this were expensive. I mean, like £500-£600 range. But then he showed us this one... it was a compromise of everything that my mother and I were looking for - graphics card for DMO, considerable memory for my work, and a fair price for my mother. It was about £471. Needless to say, I'm in love. You always know when you find the One. I have my heart set on that machine even though it's a little pricey, so I'm trying to strike a deal with Mother involving working hard around the house to earn the extra towards it.