Dec 21, 2004 19:40
Woot! Today was the last day of my boring-ass macro-economics class. I handed in my test and final project; I kind of stupidly skipped doing the extra credit project but I should still get out of there with an A. No clue what I'm going to take next semester. I still never took the placement tests to get into my real classes (IE science and math); but I may take advanced composition or something else boring like that this semester just to get it out of the way.
I went to the dentist again for my 3 appointment this month and got a ton more fillings. I'm trying to use up my $1000 limit on my insurance this year so that's why I'm basically living at the dentist. But it's good to get all this crap out of the way quick. Still need to get a crown and root canal on one more tooth then that's about it. Oh and my PS2 is still broken and I'm really missing playing my GTA: San Andreas :'(. I might just have to break down and blow $20 online on a ribbon cable that should cost 50 cents. Bastards!