
May 13, 2012 00:37

dear god

i'm a relatively good person and didn't deserve anything that happened to me over the last week.

yours in your son,



dear alex

thanks a lot for your last correspondence, it was well received.

we, here, have thrown you many a bone in an attempt to let you gather for yourself that you're not a good drunk. remember when you were 16 and you got so hammered at the new year's eve party that you threw up all over yourself and people were worried that you'd die in the night?

or just last summer when you alienated yourself from all of your friends after a four day bender in which you told them all what you "really think"?

this week, we'd reach the end of our tether and needed to vent a little. we took from you what, we think, was most important right now (which throughout history is usually how we do things) and were hoping to see a change in you for the better. everything from last saturday onwards has been a direct result of you not wanting to focus on the route of the problem, instead wage a pseudo-intellectual war of words with the administration.

please take this letter as the warning that it is intended to be. we have been expecting you for quite some time so it'd be a shame if you didn't make the grade because of something so juvenile as "it's not fair"

you can be better and we can help but, as of this moment, we need to see you wanting it.

as with every lesson, you can't have back what we've taken otherwise you might not fully appreciate what we're trying to teach you.

if you would like to discuss your case with a representative, here, please call into one of our many offices, worldwide.

thanks again

vox dei
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