I think I'd be much more likely to watch Downton Abbey if the whole show was done to the music in these trailers.
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I mean not these specifically, but really cheap, crappy, fast pop. Because apparently combining that with period pieces is my new kink.
And now I'm going to see if I can find some 1995(!) P&P mvs to sate this desire.
ETA: Not exactly what I was looking for, but I got distracted by Thor MVs so whatever. And I do like this song.
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ETA2: Right, I think I've worked out what it is, because it's not like fandoms I actually fandom in where it's got to be appropriate or crack and anything else makes my brain hurt. No matter hooowww many times I watch that P&P video I cannot analyse it at all, so I'm supposing here that for some things the combination of eye-candy and ear-candy is enough to send me into a bliss-coma, no matter how incompatible on the surface.
I have no problem with this.