I find that very beautiful, but enough about fruits and vegetables. I think human life is very beautiful as well. The mind, the body, and the soul are a fascinating and enlightening thing to me. I also think that abortion should not only be legal, but encouraged. I think that if the resources of our minds allowed us to harness science to such a degree (to safely and efficiently terminate pregnancy) then we should not overlook it as a practical solution to the "big problem". Our world is not in a good place and it is not getting any better. Overpopulation leads to hunger which leads to violence which leads to war. Reckless recreation makes no sense. I don't understand how one can hold life sacred, yet bring more children into the quickly disintegrating world (that they will inherit). You will cause them pain by ensuring that they live in an overpopulated, corrupt, dirty world and that's no way to treat something sacred! I think people who want children (I do) should have one child, and if they only get one, to not try any more. We can reset the world for a future generation. We could give them what we don't have so they can thrive! That requires sacrifice, but that's how beautiful I think life is.