And the moral of the story is...

Mar 19, 2008 22:18

I was watching Veronica Mars afresh with one of my friends who I got hooked on the series. Muahahaa...slowly, I shall convert them all...  And despite the fact that I now am a bit, not a lot, but a bit more comfortable with who Lilly's killer is because...there were signs. And I still think that Celeste Kane(A spoiler warning, do not highlight if you don't want to know who didn't do it!) should have done it. Ugh.  Whatever. I'm reading a very nice AU fic where this person did do it, and eet's amazing! It's in my memories, if anyone wants a looksie.

Anyway, in watching this again, I realize there are very, very, very good moral stories that you can learn from this show. Also, this provides very vague spoilers, so if you don't want seasons 1 and 2 spoiled and minor 3, don't do the cut.

I'm going to do David Letterman style, and go backwards:

20) Don't piss off bikers. (Seasons 1 and 2)

19) Playing the drunk gives you an advantage. (1x10 and 3x2)

18) Having a kick-ass camera helps. As well as a tazer. (Series)

17) Never casually mention how to erase oneself off the face of the planet. (1x17)

16) Don't leave money lying around in obvious places. (1x21)

15) Everyone lies. (Series. House also. XD)

14) Never take anything at face value. (Series)

13) If you get something random in the mail, it's definitely bugged. (1x17) Same goes with pens. (Series) And potted plants. (1x18)

12) Always bring backup. (Series)

11) And Back-Up. (Series)

10) Don't sleep around with someone older than you. (Season 1, Lilly/Aaron, Season 2, Logan/Kendall)

9) Don't sleep around with someone younger than you. (Season 2, Woody/Beaver)

8) Sarcasm PWNS. (Series, although more 1 and 2...)

7) Revenge is cool. Sometimes. (Series)

6) Don't use your best friend. (Series)

5) Love thy enemies. (1x19-21, season 2)

4) Love thy boyfriend (s). (Series, especially season 3)

3) Never go to parties were there will be booze, drugs and sex. (Season 1 and 3)

2) Never, ever, never drink something that someone hands you.  (1x20)

And the most important lesson you can learn from the show:

1) Money is the most dangerous object a person can have.

You can buy murder, guns, bombs, drugs, dead people, trophy wives, secrets, booze, sex, fake ids, cars, but you can NEVER buy love. Or intelligence.

Oh and also, what is with the season 3 theme music/opening credits? I DO NOT LIKE THIS. Well, I guess it's cool in some places, but sometimes it's really choppy...also, I'm watching on tudou, so I guess this would explain why... I know the switching networks and off to college-dom requires "change". It's kinda like when they changed the opening credits on Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I seriously liked the original. Oh, yeah and I loved how shippy they got with LoVe with the ending picture before her Veronica Mars pose. That...that's another blog. Or this one, why not.

I think Logan is a good high school boyfriend. Infact, he's an exceptional high school boyfriend. He wants sex, yeah, so do 99.7% of high school guys. He also is sensitive and kind and snarky...and screwed up...but we love him anyway.

In college, he has the snarky, but is losing the sensitive. I mean, I have only seen 3 episodes of season 3 so far, so it could change, and I could fall in love with the pairing all over again. But, the whole poker thing in the third episode? I guess they did go upstairs to make out and jazz. See? She's seeming more like a scamming mate than like an actual girlfriend.

Also out of the first three episodes, I HEART PIZ. You know what? He's prolly really messed up, because nobody can be normal in this show. But, he's crushing on her in a college way...and it's pretty much adorable. Also, although he watched all the girls on the south lawn tan, he seems more than "SEXX NAO PLZ" kind of guy.

And I am also noticing a pattern with myself, whenever I see a show shipping someone, I really don't like that pairing anymore. Examples...Shawn/Juliet from Psych. They're cute. Kinda. When the producers are NOT shoving them at us on a shippy-golden-happy-land platter, then we can talk.

Anyway, so that's my rant about that. But, all this Logan criticsm has no reflection whatsoever on Jason Dohring. Man oh man. -fans self- I still cannot believe he's thirty. It says so on his wiki. He looks like he goes to my high school, not even kidding. I even told my Veronica Mars watching neighbor this and showed her a yearbook pictcha of a guy that looks like him and she was all "OMG, you're right!" and I said, "Of course I am." XD

Hey, so I'll catch you kats on the downside? Kay?

veronica mars

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